Ok so you’re pregnant, now what? There is so much that can be done to support pregnancy and pregnancy symptoms. And lots of women tend to have questions. Which prenatal to use? What can you eat? What can’t you eat? What reduces morning sickness? Is spotting normal? Is exercise safe? No matter how many weeks pregnant you are, there are things that can be done to support a health pregnancy, and reduce symptoms like heartburn, morning sickness, constipation, back and hip pain, sciatica, stress, and anxiety.

Supporting You During Pregnancy and Post Partum

What about after baby? The postpartum period involves a lot of changes, not only to your life but to your body and your hormones. There are important tests and check ins at points after you deliver to make sure that you are healing as you should. This is also a major point for thyroid conditions to crop up, so it’s important to monitor symptoms and blood levels of thyroid function, especially if you’re at higher risk of a thyroid problem. Naturopathy in the postpartum period can also support breastfeeding, sleep, pain and discomfort (for example: new parent back), and nutrition.

There are so many changes associated with getting pregnant, being pregnant, and being postpartum. Maximize your support system! Book a free 15 min meet and greet today to find out how naturopathic medicine can support your journey.

*No treatments can be given in a free 15 min visit. A comprehensive history and assessment during an initial visit is required to see if any treatments would be right for you.