1 in 6 couples experience issues with conceiving, and fertility concerns are one of the most stressful conditions out there. Naturopathic medicine is amazing at working alone with fertility or along side conventional treatments, so wherever you are in your fertility journey naturopathic medicine can help, whether you haven’t even started yet and just want to be prepared, or if you’ve already had a round of IVF. Much like any naturopathic treatment, fertility treatments are multi-pronged and target hormones, egg/sperm quality, uterine health, and the immune system. I use a combination of lifestyle factors, diet and nutrition, good quality herbs and supplements, and acupuncture to help couples trying to conceive.

Pre Conception is the Key

By nature, treating fertility is more intensive than treating other conditions because we usually don’t have the luxury of time and it is goal rather than symptom oriented. One of the most common questions I get is can naturopathic medicine help me if conventional medicine won’t yet? And the answer is a resounding YES! If you are in the preconception phase and just want to tweak things before you start trying, or it hasn’t been a year yet, or you’ve had one or two miscarriages, there is definitely something that can be done! Any contributing factors can still be assessed and addressed at this point, and if you end up needing or wanting to access conventional care, I can help support and navigate you through that process as well.

How Long Could It Take To See Results?

I would prefer to treat both the male and female partner if applicable, because around 60% of the time male factors are contributing, and covering all our bases will give us the best shot! I would also ideally like to have a minimum of 3 months (6-12 months ideally) working with couples while they are not actively trying because this opens up a lot more treatment options, but it isn’t absolutely necessary. If you are actively trying this just reduces the amount of treatments that can be done, but there are still lots of options. If you have further questions, please email or book a free 15 minute meet and greet with me to discuss!